Fun on Friday. Slang up your English: Book review.

Fun on Friday. Slang up your English: Book review.

Slang always seems to be the stuff learners love to learn (first) and try out with pride (Stolz) at the very next occasion, which presents itself. Many books and publication avoid this topic (especially swear words (Schimpfwörter) or vulgar language for fear of offending (jdn beleidigen) people), but thankfully there are books/publications, which dare (etw wagen) to go where others don‘t.

One of those is called “British Slang – das andere Englisch“ from the Kauderwelsch series (Band 47) by the publishers ‘Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump GmbH‘.

According to their website they also publish an array (Reihe) of other slang books including US slang and Australian slang.

Naturally, for ‘free‘ help go to or keep popping back to my Teatime-Titbits / Fun on Friday posts.

Here’s an extra titbit (there’s that word again) „the whole shabang“ (der ganze Kram) is my fave slang phrase at the moment.

QOTD. What’s you favourite slang word? Please keep it descent – kids might be reading this.



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