When lunch is dinner and dinner is tea.

Teatime Titbits reporting live from my home town Deepcar, near Sheffield as I take a week out to visit my parents, friends and old haunts. As always all those little things that could cause uninitiated foreigners headaches, if they ever venture to this part of the world, broadly speaking Yorkshire.

In previous posts I’ve talked about the somet, owt & nowt (something, anything & guessed it yet? – nothing), ta (thank you) and the use of ‘Luv’ or ‘luvey’. My mum reminded me of another one just this morning when we were talking about lunch (standard English) and used the word ‘dinner’ instead. Yep, indeed, we say breakfast, dinner & tea as in standard English it would be breakfast, lunch, dinner.

So if you ever make an appointment for lunch/dinner with a Yorkshireman / woman, make sure you are both

speaking the right language otherwise you could end up dining on your tod. haunt (hier: Lieblingsplatz), uninitiated (uneingeweihte), to venture (wagen), broadly speaking (grob gesagt), luv (Liebes (Anrede)), to remind sb of sth (jdn an etw erinnern), otherwise (sonst), to end up (letzendlich etw tun), to dine (essen), on one’s tod (ganz allein)

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