24 1/2 phrases for agreeing & disagreeing.

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Speak like a native:

Do you have discussions in English at work? Do you often feel you’re language is somehow limited to a few phrases? Then this post might just give you a helping hand to take up a few more and to help you widen and vary your language.

I’ve divided the list into 5 categories from ‘agreeing’ to ‘disagreeing’ with ‘agreeing tentatively’, ‘being non-committal’ and finally ‘expressing reservations’. Here’s the link to the free PDF download:

How to agree and disagree PDF

to widen (ausweiten), to vary (wechseln), tentatively (zögernd), to be non-committal (zurückhaltend), to express reservations (Zweifel ausdrücken).

Why always Google your business English phrases when they’re (nearly*) all in one PDF book – The Workplace English Toolkit aka WET.

Grab a copy for just €19.99. All updates are free.

„There are a lot of textbooks on the market that promise to turn you into a business English expert and prepare you perfectly for your communication in English at work. Yes, some of them are quite interesting and provide useful advice. But actually, their content is far away from being used immediately – quite contrary to Dave Preston’s WET“. Jennifer B

„It has become my companion in the office. I use it practically every day.“ Thomas P

„I am already enjoying your book and will use it in my business English courses.“ Jutta T

*If the phrase you are looking for isn’t in, mail me at dave@teatime-titbits.de and I will do my best to help you.

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