Time is money is a well-known English saying and it seems to me at least that our time is increasingly being eaten away by the distractions of the modern age.
People often ask me, if I know websites, apps, blogs, vlogs and podcasts for them to learn (easier) on the move. Indeed, I’m always on the lookout for all of the above to pass on to my clients & you. If you have any good tips, please share in the comments below.
Today’s website is for visual learners and/or those, who want to watch a short grammar/vocab vid during the commute, break times or just sat of the couch during some downtime.
With www.engvid.com you can learn English for free with 1202 video lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more.
saying (Sprichwort), distraction (Ablenkung), be on the lookout for sth (sich nach etw umtun), commute (Arbeitsweg), pronunciation (Aussprache).