Fun on Friday. 10 shit phrases
Cast your mind back to (an etw zurückdenken) when you were a kid at school and you started English. Were you ecstatic (begeistert) when you found out the that ‘bread’ is ‘Brot’, ‘bird’ is ‘Vogel’ or even ‘bum’ is ‘Po’ ?
I bet there was a little devil in you saying ‘now we’re talking’, when you heard your first four letter word, ‘s**t’, or later (hopefully) ‘f**k’ etc, etc. There’s something about these words (in any language), which make them somehow appealing to (ansprechend) the beginner!
So WARNING, the rest of the post is full of SHIT !!!!
So I here are 10 shit phrases, which you could need in everyday English (but that you possibly don’t know yet) would be shit-hot (geil). So let’s dive into the shit (as it were).
- No shit (Sherlock) = (ironic) sag bloß/Nein wirklich? ALSO used as emphasis that what has just been said is true = Ungelogen!
- Jackshit = überhaupt nichts “I know jackshit about handball”.
- Shit-faced = stockbesoffen “Dave came home shit-faced last night” Shit happens, eh? (so ist das Leben!)
- Tough shit! = Pech gehabt!
- To give sb shit has two meanings ‘to make fun of sb’=verarschen and ‘to tells sb off’= jdn zusammenscheißen “The missus gave me shit when I got home” (see 3).
- to shit bricks = sich vor Angst in die Hose scheißen “I was shitting bricks before the interview”.
- To shit on sb = (to inform/grass on sb)=jdn verpfeifen.
- To shit–stir = (Ärger bereiten)or a person can be a shit-stirrer (Unruhestifter/Dreckschleuder)
- The shit is going to hit the fan soon= Bald ist die Kacke am Dampfen
And drum roll, one of my faves:
- To be up shit creek (without a paddle)= (tief) in der Scheiße stecken.
The more I braindump (pun intended) the more phrases come to mind, I feel a part 2 is in the pipeline.
Anyway, QOTD, which of the above were new for you?