Today could mark the start of your first 12 week year and my 2nd. Imagine you had 4 years of 12 weeks in one (normal calendar) year. You set targets which will push you. A month (in normal year) becomes a week, a week (in normal year) becomes a day and the mad rush to reach the goal happens 4 times a year – everything is more compact, intensive, the finishing line more within sight, do you think you could overall actually achieve more?
At the end of every year, there’s a week (13 if you like) to reflect, score and regroup. To celebrate and take a break before the next year.
Highly recommended– maybe this will make you even more productive, accountable, and allow you to achieve your (old annual) goals and targets quicker and allow you to set yet higher goals.
I have set 3 goals for this year (12 weeks) and by putting it out there also adds some transparency and accountability for me.
Goal 1. Complete and publish Walking English Dictionary 3 (WED 3) – Fun on Friday
Goal 2. Complete and publish WED 4 – It’s all about culture.
Goal 3. Revamp and publish the Workplace English Toolkit (WET).
It’ll certainly be a challenge in an already busy life, so please keep your fingers crossed for me!
To mark (hier: bedeuten), to imagine (sich vorstellen), to set goals/targets (Ziele setzen), to push sb (jdn treiben), the finishing line (Ziellinie), within sight (in Sicht), to achieve (erreichen), to regroup (umorganisieren), accountable (verantwortlich), to put it out there (veröffentlichen), to revamp (etw aufmotzen), challenge (Herausförderung), ”keep your fingers crossed for me” (Drücke mir die Daumen).