Allow me to tell you about a truly inspiring and thought-provoking TED Talk ( by Simon Anholt entitled ‘Which country does the most good for the world’. This is the perfect antidote to all that is bad in the world and should be a must-see talk for all leaders – at whatever level.
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To create added value too, I took out 15 words/phrases from the speech, which you may already know but are guaranteed to ‘spice’ up your next speech/presentation if you can work them in:
(1.37) ‘In a nutshell‘ (kurz gesagt)
(1.48) ‘If I look at the downside of (globalisation)’ – obviously ‘upside’ is then the opposite.
(2.06) when naming examples ‘I could go on’, alternatively ‘the list goes on (and on)’.
(2.46) the ‘primary’ reason = instead of simply ‘the most important’
(6.22) ‘It’s hardly worth mentioning‘ The combination – ‘it’s worth (Es lohnt sich) (mentioning (zu erwähnen) / adding (hinzuzufügen / pointing out (darauf hinzuweisen/ highlighting (hervorzuheben)
(7.06) ‘given’ (In Anbetracht)
(8.20) ‘see the bigger picture’
(10.41) do you see ‘where I am going’ (worauf Ich hinauswill)
(11.22) ‘It does exactly what it says on the tin’(Es halt was es verspricht)
(12.34) ‘According to’ the data (Gemaß/laut)
(14.05) I’m gonna ‘whip through’ the other slides (durchgehen)
(14.43) ‘in terms of’ (bezüglich)
(15.05) introduce something into the ‘discourse’ (Vortrag)
(16.41) ‘on the other hand’ = maybe comes after ‘on the one hand’
(17.00) ‘Ultimately’
Did the answer surprise you? Nobody cares two hoots, which nation is top? Wouldn’t it better if every nation came first?
thought-provoking (nachdenklich machend), to create added value (Mehrwert schaffen), ‘Nobody cares two hoots (about it)’ (Danach kräht kein Hahn)
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