Check out today’s Teatime Titbit:
2 nd anniversary.
Many happy returns Teatime Titbits. And what a blast it’s been. It all started with how I could scale (vergrößen) my mission to help as many people brush up (etw auffrischen) their English skills in only a limited time frame – tea break aka coffee break (for German taste buds) and even on the go (unterwegs). How many times had I heard – ‘if only I had the time to learn!’
With the first tentative posts in the Münster Xing community group I gradually overcame my fear and ventured (sich trauen) outside my comfort zone and post on other Xing communities including Englisch am Arbeitsplatz.
Growing the discipline to post on a daily basis and priding myself (auf etw stolz sein) on creating new content daily I have since built up a collection of over 500 posts. My first book ‘The Teatime Titbits Workplace Toolkit’ will incorporate some of these and provide you with a go to source to help in your (English) work – watch this space.
Serendipity (glücklicher Zufall) played a massive role as I just happened to view a post asking for someone to take over the Englisch am Arbeitsplatz community. Since then I’ve put my heart and soul (mit Leib und Seele) into making English am Arbeitsplatz the community within Xing, for all those who want to improve their English or simply not allow it go rusty or even lose it.
I’ve been very lucky that other bloggers joined the community and took the plunge (den Sprung wagen) to post here to mix up the content – many thanx to you. The active readership has now increased to approx. 200 a day, which is a brilliant achievement when you look at other communities within Xing and their membership size – thank you readers for spending time in the community and making it what it is – very alive and KICKING. Cheers.
But we don’t want to rest on our laurels (sich auf seinen Lorbeeren ausruhen). Twofold: peeps (people) please, spread the word – don’t keep it your little secret. Two, anyone who is musing about (nachgrübeln) the idea of starting to write (a blog), whether it is for our community or any other community, blogs etc. please just DO IT – cos the upsides to blogging are immense and life-changing. Don’t believe me – give me a call, I’ll tell you what blogging can do for YOU.
Finally, please raise your tea cups to toast the birthday boy – let’s call him Teddy (Teatime Titbits)) and sing a long – “Happy Birthday” “Hip hip, hooray” and finish with a good old “For he’s a jolly good fellow, etc.”
P.S. I hope you’ll be with me to toast the 5, 10, 20 year anniversaries. Cheers. Dave.