24 and a bit phrases from agreeing to disagreeing.

Do you have discussions in English at work? Do you often feel your language is somehow limited to a few phrases? Then this post might just give you a helping hand to take up a few more and to help you widen and vary your language. Download the above list here: Free PDFs | teatime titbits Why not check out my new vid for a few more titbits? https://youtu.be/ZjaGtpMoR_Y

I’ve divided the list into 5 categories from (1) ‘Agreeing,’ e.g.“I couldn’t agree more.”, to (5) ‘Disagreeing,’ e.g.“I can’t go along (with you) on that.”

Category no. (2) ‘Agreeing Tentatively’ means you agree but not with confidence, e.g. “I’m inclined to agree (with you) on that”. Number 4 is when you ‘Express Reservations’ as have doubts about what somebody says. Try “To a certain extent, but ..”.

Finally, Category no. (3) in the middle ‘Being Non-Committal’ means you don’t give an opinion, you remain neutral like the colloquial phrase “I’m sitting on the fence (on this one).”

Question Of The Day (QOTD) based on the following article: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20190429-the-australian-company-that-banned-work-on-wednesday

If you need a little help with vocabulary, feel free to download the PDF “25 words for an awesome Aussie company”. https://teatimetitbits.de/download/25-words-for-the…e-aussie-company/

What do you think about banning work on Wednesdays? Who’s going to get the ball rolling?

to give sb a helping hand (jdm behilflich sein), to widen (erweitern), to vary (wechseln), (‘agreeing) tentatively’ (zögernd), ‘being non-committal’ (zurückhaltend), ‘expressing reservations’ (Zweifel ausdrücken), to get the ball rolling (Hier: losleghen)

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