Check out today’s Teatime Titbit:
Xmas timeline
Having dutifully (brav) opened his advent calendar at 6a.m. every morning (even on Sundays – to our great enjoyment) my five-year-old son is excited about Christmas and keeps asking how many more times he has to sleep until Father Christmas brings him his presents. To my answer, he usually lets out a huge groan (Stöhnen), shrugs his shoulders and says “That’s a long time!”.
Born to an English Dad & an Albanian Mum, living in Germany, he’s constantly getting different cultural messages, especially at Christmas time. Inspired by this, I thought I’d give you a quick overview of Christmas, British style.
The fun really starts on 25 Dec aka Christmas Day (not Christmas Eve) because Father Christmas visits during the night, leaves the Xmas presents and eats the mince pies mince piece , drinks the glass of sherry left out for him and grabs the carrots for Rudolf & Co.
We open the presents first thing and many go to the pub for a midday pint or two and sing Christmas carols with the local church choir (at least that’s what we used to do).
It’s home for Christmas lunch. A large turkey is the main difference to the traditional Sunday lunch with all the trimmings (mit allem Drum und Dram) including stuffing & gravy and finally a Christmas pudding with rum sauce for dessert . The Queen speaks to the nation at 3pm and after that it’s back to family business.
Boxing Day (26th) marks the start of the sales and has a full football programme for those who need action, for the rest, it’s another day at home with the family or out visiting other members of the family or doing the rounds (as we say).
The run-up to New Year’s Eve and Day is another post in itself.
QOTD What’s on the menu for your Christmas lunch?