3 ways to say ‚ed‘

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: 3 ways to say ‘ed‘

At the meats counter in our local supermarket I often hear people pronouncing the ‚corned’ (beef) by separating the word into ‘corn’ and ‘ed’. The same goes for baked beans, but not at the meats counter obviously. Thankfully I don’t hear the word ‘f**ked’ very often in a German supermarket – that was just an eye-catcher.

Did you know there are rules which determine how you pronounce the ‘ed’ at the end of a regular verb (a verb, which ends in ‘(e)d’ in the past)?

  1. Let’s start with the verbs ‘decide’ and ‘last’ first. We pronounce the ‘ed’ as ‘id’. Any regular verb, which ends in the ‘d’ or ‘t’ SOUND, the ‘ed’ is pronounced as ‘id’.
  2. What about ‘bake’, ‘pass’, ‘watch’, ‘wash’ and ‘drop’? Any regular verb, which ends in the ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’, or ‘p’ SOUND, the ‘ed’ is pronounced as ‘t’.
  3. The majority of regular verbs (with the exception of the above), the ‘ed’ is simply pronounced as ‘d’

Remember if you want to get a bottle of that new brand of Vodka ‘F**KED’, you will know how to say it correctly.

P.S. Public health warning: Guys please don’t ask a female assistant: „Where can I get ‚F**ked“. You’ll probably get  slapp’t‘ instead.

meats counter (Fleisch/Wursttheke), to pronounce (aussprechen), to determine (bestimmen), to slap sb (klatschen)



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