5 online dictionaries for you.

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: 5 online dictionaries for you.

  1. www.dict.cc on the topic of online dictionaries, here are 5 other dictionaries I recommend: dict.cc is my go-to online dictionary like the more well-known/used Leo.org. Dict.cc also has an app, which you can download onto your phone for offline work.
  2. www.linguee.de is an online dictionary, which is excellent when it comes to deciding, which word fits the context best because it uses/shows texts translated from websites with the word(s) in action.
  3. www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com. Jump to the free Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page to find the ENGLISH definition for words. It has a whole host of other exciting services.
  4. www.thesaurus.com A ‘thesaurus’ gives you synonyms and antonyms to words and ideal to widen your vocabulary.
  5. www.urbandictionary.com Can’t you find a word in a traditional dictionary? Chances are that it is a colloquial or slang words, enter Urban Dictionary! What about one of my favourite words: ‘fuckwit’: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fuckwit

my go-to (etw, worauf immer Verlass ist), a whole host of (jede Menge) thesaurus (Synonymwörterbuch), chances are that (aller Wahrscheinlich nach).

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