Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: 5 words in the news.
Did you know there is a BBC News app? It is my go to place to find out what is going on in the world especially in the world of sport – check out my beloved Liverpool FC.
If you download it this morning, you will be able to read the following headlines amongst others:
“Columbia probes plane crash fuel link”
“Oil price soars as OPEC agrees output cut.”
“Reddit moves against ‘toxic’ Trump fans”
“Gambia’s Jammeh in bid for fifth term”
Headlines are often difficult to understand because they often use ‘special’ words or even play on words etc. Here are 5 words from the above headlines, which are typical headliners.
to probe = eingehend untersuchen
to soar = sprunghaft anstiegen
cut = Senkung
to move against sb = gegen jdn etw unternehmen
bid = Versuch
Happy reading!
Stop-press! (eingeschobene letzte Meldung) Liverpool face Southampton in the EFL Cup semi-final. Come on you reds!