Writing mails in English brings a whole bunch of difficulties with it, register (formal/informal), grammar, intercultural aspects. In my Mini Mail dictionary, I’ve collected some of the most important words/phrases you may need to help you write mails, which you can be sure are correctly formulated and can also speed up your writing by simply copy & paste.
Every now and again I will choose words from the book to give you a helping hand (sorry just couldn’t resist the pun) with your mails – what better to start with than the word ‘helfen’:
Formal: to assist / (to offer/give sb) assistance. “Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter”. “Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance”.
Standard: (to) help “Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.” “Please contact us if we can be of any further help.”
Informal: to help sb out / to lend/give sb a hand “Cheers for your help/for helping us out with this.” “Give me a shout if we can (be of) help in any way.” Why not give them a try in your future mails?
pun (Wortspiel), matter (Angelegenheit), further assistance (weiter behilflich sein), to settle the outstanding invoice (Rechnung begleichen), reminder (Mahnung)
Ideal for your workplace! Wanna buy the physical product A3 Mini-Mail Desktop Dictionary (quick look) & A3 Easyline To Email Success (quick look email phrases) for €5.99 + postage? Simply send a mail to dave@teatime-titbits.de