Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Monday Means Managing Meanings 1.
When looking up the word ‘manage‘ just recently, I was astounded (erstaunt) to see all the different uses listed – 7 to be precise. Not wanting to keep this a secret from you, here goes managing meaning 1(sorry, couldn’t resist the pun (Wortspiel))
- Cope, survive: “How do you manage in this day and age without a mobile?“
- Use efficiently: “Managing time is a key life skill nowadays.“
- Run: “I’m not sure if he has ever managed a large project before.“
- Spare, afford: “I can just manage 2 quid (Pfund), it‘s all I’ve got on me.“
- ‘Were‘ able to: “We managed to get our flight but it was a close call (eine Knappe Sache).“
- Have/make time: “Can you manage Monday next week?“
- Do without help: “Can you manage those bags on your own?“
Hope you’ll manage managing the rest of Monday!!!