Speak like a native: Accepting ideas, raising objections & suggesting.
You’re sitting in a ‘problem solving’ meeting and want to put in your two cent (seinen Senf dazugeben). Accepting ideas presented or given is a singe (simple) especially because you’re agreeing:
Phrases like:
Yes, that’s a good/great idea.
Well that’s (certainly/definitely) worth a try/go
That sounds like a good idea/good to me.
The difficulty comes when you disagree or at least have reservations (Bedenken) about the suggestion(s) given and want to raise objections (Einwände vorbringen). It goes without saying that (a bit of) ‘diplomacy’ is crucial so as not to hurt anybody’s feeling.
So here goes:
Yes, but … (what about trying ……?)
That might be all right but (could/n’t we …?)
It’s a good idea but (what if we do/did ….)
I’m afraid*, I’m not so sure about that because ..
You may want to suggest an alternative by using one of the ‘suggesting phrases’ in brackets.
*Notice how ‘I’m afraid is often used to soften the blow (den Shock (ein wenig) abmilden)