Body Language 2

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Thursday Teaser:

It’s amazing how various body parts got into so many idioms – some make sense, some sound funny – anyway here’s part 2 of the quiz.

This teaser comes in two parts. 1) Match the phrase with German equivalent

2) Match the English ‘body’ word at the bottom with the correct English phrase (1-10)

1) They haven’t got a …….. to stand on.                  A) Wucherpreise bezahlen

2) We don’t see ……..  to ……..  on a lot of things B) Mach mal Dampf

3) Can I give you a ……..  with your baggage?       C) Nervensäge

4) You paid through the ……..  for that.         D) Ich werde daraus nicht schlau

5) She has the department well in …….. .                E) jdm behilflich sein

6) Will you pull your …….. out!                          F) sich etw von der Seele reden

7) He’s always poking his …….. in!                   G) keine gute Argumente haben

8) Talk, you’ll get it off your …….. .                       H) etw gut im Griff haben

9)  He’s a real pain in the …….. .                              I) einer Meinung sein

10) I can’t make …….. nor tail of it.               J) seine Nase in etw hineinstecken

hand x2   nose   finger   leg   neck   nose   eye x2   head   chest


1) ……….. 2)  ……….. 3)  ………..   4) ………..  5)  ………..  6) ……….. 7) ………..  8) ………..  9)  ………..  10) ………..

1) G, leg  2) I, eye x2  3) E, hand 4) A, nose ,  5) H, hand  6) B, finger 7) J, nose 8) F, chest 9) C, neck  10) D, head

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