Business vlogs.

Gary Vaynerchuk – is an American social media guru, who gives away great free content in the shape of his #AskGaryVee show, Dailyvee vlog and countless keynote speeches he holds on online marketing and social media strategies. Take advantage of his insights and stay ahead of the pack in Germany. I covered the “7 Insights entrepreneurs need to start using today.”* vid back in 2019. Click on the link: “The language of content marketing” to go to the free PDF with vocab.

*Click to go to the video.

Dragons’ Den UK – business reality TV show. Entrepreneurs / inventors want to get funding from the 5 dragons (wealthy business owners) and have to pitch their products to them. Just head over to the Dragons’ Den channel and watch away.:

Fun fact: Did you know that the US version is called Sharks Tank? So in the UK, they fight dragons, in the US sharks and in Germany lions.

Grant Cardone – US sales guru & entrepreneur. You can get a lot of free content on sales. I previously discussed a video, in which he twice closed clients over the telephone.: . Click here: ‘Live sales calls with Grant Cardone’ for free vocab PDF.

Valuetainment is presented by an America Entrepreneur Patrick bet David. He tackles business issues with REAL value and in an entertaining way. The name is spot on. Check out this episode where he introduces 14 common mistakes made in negotiations: Can you think of any?

Dan Lok. Hands-on sales advice from a guy, who arrived in Canada speaking no English. Check out this vid when he gives advice on how to respond to a client saying “I’ll get back to you” . Why not try some of his other videos on handling different objections?

in the shape of (in Gestalt von),  countless (zig), to take advantage of sth (sich etw zunutze machen), insight (Erkenntnisse), to stay ahead of the pack (der Konkurrenz immer eine Nasenlänge voraus sein), inventor (Erfinder), wealthy (reich), to pitch a product (Produkt präsentieren), to close sb/a deal (Geschäft abschließen), to tackle an issue (Thema anpacken), to be spot on (genau richtig), hand-on (praktisch), to give advice (Rat erteilen), to respond (erwidern), “I’ll get back to you” (Ich komme darauf zurück), objections (Einwände)

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