English telephonese

Here are some phrases you may hear when you are telephoning!

1. Have you got (XYZ) handy?                  A) I don’t follow/understand you?

2. I’ll see to it straight away                      B) I’ll ask sb again.   

3. Sorry, I’m not really with you.             C) Please wait.  

4. Can you run that by me again please? D) Is there sth at hand?

5. Bear with me a second, Mr Preston      E) Thank you 

6. Please just jot this reference number down. F) Go ahead 

7. I’ll just double check with my superior.        G) I’ll do it                             

8. Yes, fire away.                                            H) Please, repeat.                           

9. Appreciate your help.                                  I) He’s busy / not available   

10. I’m afraid he’s tied up in a meeting now. J) Please write it down.

1) ……….. 2) ……….. 3) ……….. 4) ……….. 5) ……….. 6) ……….. 7) ……….. 8) ……….. 9) ……….. 10) ………..

Answers : 1)D, 2)G, 3)A, 4)H, 5)C, 6)J, 7)B, 8)F, 9)E, 10)I

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