Fun on Friday book is also about effing and blinding. The degree of vulgarity

Hearing and using (depending on your inclination) so-called swear words are part & parcel of everyday life. I truly believe it needs highlighting & talking about so you know what is acceptable when and if at all. Remember this is all subjective !!!!!!! However, I recruited the help of to hopefully limit it.

I’d like focus on the following 10 words, which people use (as an adjective) to describe something/a situation or someone.

chuffing, fucking, flipping, effing, bloody, freaking (US), bleeding, flaming, sodding, blooming,

Obviously some are tamer than others but how would you categorise them according to the following 3 categories:

1) Acceptable in most situations

blooming = a mild swear word, used to emphasize a comment or a statement, especially an angry one. “What blooming awful weather!” flipping= used as a mild swear word by some people to emphasize something or to show that they are annoyed “It’s flipping cold today!” flaming= used to emphasize that you are annoyed. “You flaming idiot!“ chuffing = a mild swear word that some people use when they are annoyed, to avoid saying ‘fucking’. ”The whole chuffing world’s gone mad.”

2) Use with care

bloody = a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement = “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”

bleeding = synonym of bloody freaking = a swear word that many people find offensive, used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement to avoid saying ‘fucking’ fricking = synonym of freaking

3) Beware – only in the right circles.

effing = a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement; used instead of saying ‘fucking’. “I’ll smash your effing face if you don’t eff off.”

sodding = a swear word that many people find offensive, used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement. “I couldn’t understand a sodding thing!“

fucking = a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement. “I’m fucking sick of this fucking rain!”

Have a blooming/bloody/effing great weekend !!!

inclination (Neigung), swear word (Schimpfwort), to be part & parcel of sth (ein fester Bestandteil von etw sein), tamer (zahmer), to emphasize (betonen), be annoyed (verärgert sein).

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