The well-known Irish band ‘The Saw Doctors’ wrote a great song entitled ‘I useta love her’.
Grammar doesn’t always have to boring, you can learn a lot by simply trying to understand the lyrics of songs. ‘I useta love her’ is the perfect example as it combines both grammar & interesting vocab. Get the lyrics at
Here’s a little story to explain ‘useta’ aka ‘used to’. During my trip to the UK, we actually returned to my childhood summer holiday destination, where we ‘used to’ have a caravan and spend most of my holidays. *Talking about things that happened regularly in the past, but no longer. Blast from the past – walk down memory lane, it reminded me of back then when I USED TO play footy/cricket on the beach, bury my Dad in the sand & go swimming in temperatures that would give me a heart attack nowadays. Back then we DIDN’T USE to have a toilet or shower in the caravan – just a toilet & shower block – ah those were the days!
To use to (do sth) (pflegen, etw zu tun), blast from the past (Eine Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit), walk down memory lane (in Erinnerungen schwelgen), to bury (begraben), caravan (Wohnwagen)