How to make your own mulled wine.

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Fun on Friday – How to make your own mulled wine.

Yesterday I had my first & second mulled wine for this season, pushing out the boat I know.

The mug hit my lips, taking a tentative sip, a trickle of gorgeous hot stuff, flowed over my taste buds. Violà – it was there – that wonderful taste like all the years before, heavenly.

Year in, year out, ‘Glühwein’ is on everyone’s lip (quite literally) but people often don’t know/ can’t remember (possibly as a result of the drinking the stuff) the English term ‘mulled wine’.

Have you ever made your own Glühwein? What about branching out and trying out the English cousin mulled wine à la Jamie Oliver? Check out the following link:

To help you with the shopping list, I’ve put in one of two translations of ingredients to save you the hassle – but with the method, you’re on your own.

Caster sugar = extrafeiner Zucker

Clove = Nelke

Cinnamon = Zimt

Bay leaf = Lorbeerblatt

Nutmeg = Muskat

Vanilla pod = Vanilleschote

Star anise = Sternanis

Good luck & happy sipping.

to push out the boat (auf den Putz hauen), tentative (vorsichtige), sip (schluck), trickle (Tröpfeln), gorgeous (wunderschön/lecker), taste buds (Geschmacksnerven), to branch out (verzweigen), hassle (Theater/Aufwand), to be on your own (auf sich allein gestellt sein).

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