Know your discussion collocations?

Simply match the verb on the left with the partnering noun on the right to form a collocation, which is commonly used in a discussion.

  1. broach       A) the issue
  2. express      B) a comment
  3. dodge        C) the point
  4. miss           D) an open mind
  5. air               E) about the bush
  6. talk             F) a subject
  7. see              G) it over
  8. make          H) your point
  9. keep            I) an opinion
  10. beat             J) my views

1)………… 2) ………… 3) ………… 4) ………… 5) …………. 6) ………… 7) ………… 8) …………   9) ………… 10) …………….


1)F 2) I 3) A 4) C 5) J 6) G 7) H 8) B 9) D 10) E

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