Know your food & drink

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Tuesday Teaser – Know your food & drink

I’ve noticed that my Tuesday Teaser is sometimes a little too easy. So today I decided to up the ante (einen drauf setzen). This teaser comes in two parts.

1) Match the phrase with German equivalent

2) Match the English ‘food’ word at the bottom with the correct English phrase (1-10)

e.g. An ………….. a day, keeps the doctor away. Of course, ‘apple’ fits in the gap.

  1. No use crying over spilt …………..                       A) wasserdicht sein
  2. That’s just …………..  in the sky                            B) Probieren geht über studieren
  3. The argument doesn’t hold …………..                 C) Das ist doch die Krönung
  4. The whole thing seems very …………..                D) Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei
  5. You can’t have your ………….. & eat it                 E) Geschehen ist geschehen
  6. That really takes the …………..                              F) in der Patsche sitzen
  7. We’re in the ………….. now                                    G) faul/verdächtig
  8. The proof of the ………….. (is in the eating)       H) So ist das Leben!
  9. Too many cooks spoil the …………..                     I) Luftschlösser
  10. That’s the way the ………….. crumbles                J) Man kann nicht auf 2 Hochzeiten gleichzeitig tanzen

Fishy   cookie   pudding   water   pie   cake   soup   milk   broth   biscuit


1) E, milk. 2) I, pie. 3) A, water. 4) G, fishy. 5) J, cake. 6) C, biscuit. 7) F, soup. 8) B, pudding. 9) D, broth 10) H, cookie

Ein Gedanke zu „Know your food & drink

  1. Jenny Antworten

    „That’s why the cookie crumbles“ – so lovely! I’ve never heard of this before but as a Cookie Monster I simply have to like it.

    Just a little remark: it’s „nicht wasserdicht sein“ since the English equivalent denies the argument’s impermeability.

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