Know your German public holidays?

On the left you have the English public holiday names and on the right the German translations.

  1. Epiphany                 A) Fronleichnam
  2. Maundy Thursday   B) Christi Himmelfahrt
  3. Good Friday            C) Allerheiligen
  4. Ascension Day        D) Pfingsten
  5. Whitsun                   E) Silvester
  6. Corpus Christi         F) Heilige Drei Könige
  7. Assumption Day     G) Zweiter Weihnachtstag
  8. All Saints Day         H) Grün Donnerstag
  9. Boxing Day             I) Maria Himmelfahrt
  10. New Year’s Eve      J) Karfreitag

Please find the ‘List of German public holidays’ in the PDF section:

BTW. There is no real translation for the German term ‘Brückentag’ because bank holidays are automatically on Mondays

Answers template.

1) …..  2) …..  3) …..  4) …..  5) ……  6) ……  7) ……. 8) ……  9) ……  10) ……


1) F 2) H 3) J 4) B 5) D 6) A 7) I 8) C 9) G 10) H

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