Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Wow what a year it was – 2019! I’m so happy that although the last 4 months have been some the busiest in my life, but I’ve still managed to show up every day and NOT break the chain. I’m pretty proud if I may blow my own trumpet for a second.

More importantly, I hope Teatime Titbits (TT) brought you great value, fun and ultimately helped/inspired you to improve your (business) English. Thank you for spending your valuable time with TT – it inspires and motivates me too.

Last but not least, as you know I give you my time and expertise so that you can grow your English and DON’T expect anything in return. Nevertheless, I would be so so grateful and happy if you could support TT by buying one of the books or making a donation this Christmas (see bottom of C u on 6 January 2020.

It only remains for me to say Merry Christmas and very Happy New year.



although (obwohl), to manage to do sth (es schaffen, etw zu tun), to show up (erscheinen), to be proud (stolz sein), to blow my own trumpet (sich selbst loben), nevertheless (Nichtdestotrotz), to be grateful (dankbar sein), appreciation (hier: Dankbarkeit), donation (Spende), “It only remains for me to say” (Damit bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen),

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