Monday morning motivational quotes by Jim Rohn.

You could call the late Jim Rohn the grandfather of motivational speakers and many YouTube channels share his workshops /speeches  on YouTube. Jim Rohn was also a mentor to the modern day motivation guru Tony Robbins.

Jim also coined many many motivational quotes, 10 of which I have pinned up on my wall next to my computer. This morning I wanted to share my best five of them with you. Unfortunately, I realise it is so difficult to choose the best five, so here are five and if you want the full 10, you can download the free PDF by following the link:

Here are five classic Jim Rohn quotes:

“Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune”.

 “Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better”.

“Work harder on yourself and you do on your job.”

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you”.

 “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.”

I hope that success in English is nothing more than a daily visit (during work (see No. 3)) to to read a blog or two. AND download all the free PDF, while you are there!!!!!!

I wish you a great start to the SHORT week.

The late (verstorben / selig), to coin sth (etw prägen), to realise (erkennen), to make a living (seinen Lebensunterhalt bestreiten), to make a fortune (ein Vermögen machen),

Do you know the names of all the German public holidays in English? Check out tomorrow’s Tuesday Teasers quiz.

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