Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: WWW: New English 2.
You never stop learning!!!! That’s for sure. I came across 3 new words during my holiday in the UK (splendid weather btw) and I thought it would be a bit of fun to share them with you and to keep you abreast of (auf dem Laufenden sein) the ever-growing English language.
So without further ado (Kurzerhand), let’s dive into the words.
- Glamping – Having Googled it, it turns out it is a German word too – have you ever heard of it? Am I living under a rock? (hinterem Mond leben) Anyway for those of you, who must be living under the same rock as me, it means to go camping in luxury.
- Getmehometyre – Back in the good old days, there was the good old spare wheel (Ersatzreifen) in the boot (Kofferraum) of the car in case of any flats (Reifenpanne) and the like. Today, according to (gemäß) the linked article you can be lucky to have ‘space-saver’ wheel aka ‘getmehometyre’, which is designed to do just that – get you home! Often it seems a repair kit – is little big surprise you might get when opening you spare wheel well.
- to vapour – staying in a Premier Inn hotel (fantastic beds) near Stansted airport I read the following notice ‘No smoking or vapouring in the room’. As I don’t use e-cigs, I had no idea that you say ‘to vapour’. You live and learn.
Have a great rest of the week,
My teacher at school took my class and some parents out for camping in Speyer to celebrate the end of primary school. Later on I camped or better I was forced camping in Konstanz during the „Badisches Turnfest“ with my gymnastics team (my coaches‘ best idea ever to let us sleep on hard ground waking up with a stiff neck, aching muscles and bones having a competition ahead…). Both times were absolutely discouraging. So, although I’m well aware of what glamping is, nothing will ever drag me out on a camping site again. I prefer the comfort of a hotel with my own bed and bathroom with a proper shower and toilet.
However, „glamping“ is also a trend and lifestyle label that brings money (like „protein cheese“…). About accommodations like lodges or little houses surrounded by breathtaking nature we can talk. There are some cool places out there with even special architecture. And although they are now renamed to „Glamping Ressort“ I’d definitely spend my holidays there – as long it’s not at a camping site, even in luxury. 😉
Oh, and yeah, I had this little surprise moment, too, after I bought my car and looked in the empty spare wheel space in my trunk where I only found the getmehometyre spray… but hey, cool idea.
I was quite excited thinking I had learnt a new word, but obviously after what you said it is all that new – well I’ll just go and creep under rock again. Cheers.
Some cold comfort: I only knew that the spray exists not that it’s called „takemehometyre“ in the UK (btw: in Germany we don’t have such a cool name for the spray, it’s boring „Reifenpannen-Spray“). Maybe that helps crawling out again. 🙂
I’m out, cool.