News, politics and current affairs.

“No news is good news” is an English saying, meaning “if there were bad news we would hear it, so as we have heard nothing, it is likely that nothing bad has happened”.

Or you could understand it to mean that there is never any ‘good’ news in the news. This leads me perfectly into the topics of news, politics and current affairs.

I subscribe to ABC (Australian), Wall Street Journal (US), Channel 4 News (British) to give me materials for lessons, which provides news vocabulary as well as sensitise the students to the different types of English. Just check their channels for yourself and see what you like?

Did you know that ‘Deutsch Welle’ also do longer documentaries in English? I find my students also enjoy the German focus on topics. Find out about the German super-rich! Click link.

Visual Politik is hosted by a chirpy Brit named Simon, who does a great job at introducing, presenting and explaining the topic, lifting the curtain of the past, reading between lines of press releases but without giving you a concluding statement/thought. Instead, he asks the viewers to make up their own mind encourages them to leave a comment below. Why not leave a comment on this vid? Why is Germany such an industrial leader?

I love a bit of conspiracy theories, do you? If so, – here’s the channel for you – ‘Stuff they don’t want you to know’. Check their vid about my favourite Scottish animal?! Nessie. Click link.

Speaking about the ‘State of the Nation’ of the USA, your added bonus Vlog for today is the ‘Jo Rogan Experience’, which is very popular vlog as well as podcast in the US. Jo Rogan is a comedian, who also hosts full length interviews with people, you would probably not see in the mainstream media. Here’s a very revealing interview with a former Navy Seal (US Navy special forces) in which he talks about the alarming state of (politics in) the USA and a “real” possibility of a civil war breaking out. Click link. Mindboggling!

current affairs (Tagesereignisse), saying (Redensart), to subscribe to sth (etw abonnieren), to sensitise sb (sensibilisieren), to host (hier: moderieren), chirpy (lebhaft), to lift the curtain (den Schleier lüften), press release (Pressemitteilung), concluding statement  (Abschlußerklärung), viewer (Zuschauer), to make up sb’s own mind (seine Meinung bilden), to encourage sb (hier: jdm zureden), conspiracy theory (Verschwörungstheorie), revealing (verräterisch), mind-boggling (unfassbar)

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