Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Fun on Friday – OKTOBERFEST
Anyone heading to the Oktoberfest in Munich or one of replica piss-up parties around Germany? If so then today’s Fun on Friday post is definitely your cup of tea – (not beer – don’t ask me why?!)
I thought we could meander around the Oktoberfest and learn some drinking vocab on the way. Unless you took part in some pre-party drinking you would arrive at the gates as sober (as a judge).
Of course, the piss-artists or piss-heads will have already started this binge drinking session and be well on their way.
All party-goer know the line, ‘never drink on an empty stomach’. So they commence with a mass beer and a plate of pig knuckle, mashed potatoes and sauerkraut and not forgetting a touch of mustard.
Another Mass to wash down the food and maybe a quick corn schnapps to settle everything down and already the guys, who can’t take their drink are starting to get tipsy.
Maybe a little walk is now just right to take a look at all the different stands, amusements, rides etc. On the way round a young guy, who is obviously ‘out of it’ or ,in British, ‘off his face’, bumps into you but at least manages a slurred ‘sorry’.
At a food stand you notice a ‘pissed / plastered / smashed / rat-arsed’ man trying to chat up a couple of women (he can’t make his mind up). However, they already have and tell him to go **** ******* (you know what I mean).
All this exercise makes you thirsty again, so back to the nearest tent. Whatever you’re doing this weekend & have a great time.
to head for a place (auf dem Weg sein nach), replica (Kopie), piss-up (Sauferei), to meander around (umherschlendern), pre-party drinking (vorglühen), sober (nüchtern), the piss-artists / heads (Säufer), binge drinking (Komasaufen), be well on their way (auf dem besten Wege sein), to commence (beginnen), pig knuckle (Schweinehaxe), mashed potatoes (Kartoffelpüree), to take one’s drink (trinkfest sein), to get tipsy (angetrunken sein), to be out of it/off one’s face (besoffen sein), to bump into sb (jdn anremplen), slurred (undeutlich), to be pissed / plastered / smashed / rat-arsed’ (besoffen), to chat up (anbaggern), exercise (hier: Bewegung)
Brezel – big YES, all the other Oktoberfest activities and so called culinary highlights (beer, beer and way more beer): no, thank you. Seems like you’re not a fan of this two weeks lasting mass booze-up in Munich or anywhere else, too. In that sense: „ein Prooooosit, ein Proooohooosiiiit der Gemüüüütlichhhhhkeit! Auf Ex…“ 😉
Too right, but I guess I’ll have to visit it once to check off my list.