Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Poppies
I’m sure it didn’t escape your notice that yesterday marked the centenary of the end of WW1. If you saw any footage of British commemorative events in German TV or maybe you watched a few Premier League games, you probably saw people wearing a poppy.
I’m often asked what and why by curious clients/participants and so I tell them what I’m going to tell you now. The poppy was the only flower that grew on the battlefields at the end of the war and has therefore become a symbol of remembrance for all the fallen in that war, but also in any other conflict, which British soldiers took part in.
The poppy is produced and sold by the Royal British Legion to raise funds for the work it does to look after veterans and serving soldiers alike.
The main Remembrance Day event in Britain is always at the Cenotaph in London’s Whitehall (the street in London, where many of the ministry buildings are)and was also attended by the German President yesterday. Many VIPs, veterans and serving military personnel lay wreaths.
My two cents. We must remember, yes. But I find it a bit O.T.T (over the top), when football players have to have a poppy printed of their shirts and wear them during recent games.
Poppy (Mohnblume), centenary (Jahrhundertfeier), footage (Fernsehmaterial), commemorative (Gedenk -), curious (neugierig), remembrance (), Rememberance Day (Gedenktag für die Gefallenen der beiden Weltkriege), lay a wreath (einen Kranz niederlegen), my two cents (mein Senf dazu), over the top (übertrieben)