Speaking of tea. Tea is tradition – when, where, who with, what kind, with milk & sugar or, god forbid, without either – tea means an early morning cuppa to boot the body, a midmorning break aka ‘the elevens’, an arrival home “Let’s put the kettle on” and an anything in between for a chinwag with somebody (special).
As most of regular readers know that is the idea behind Teatime Titbits – pick up bits of (titbits (Br) /tidbits (US)) English during a tea break. I mean let’s face it, the moment we have a millisecond free, the mobile come out and we scroll for England or Germany in your case. So it won’t look out of place or worst still rude (when with other people) because the chances are, they are all addicted scrolling people too. The difference is you use your break time for self-study. And why not indeed?!
Speaking of tea, like add-ins milk, sugar, lemon etc, people have preferences when it comes to the strength of the cuppa and may even go to great lengths to make sure it tastes just right, as we say “Just right that” or “Oh, I needed that” or “Aaah that hits the spot”.
Tomorrow I’m launching the Teatime Tuesday Teasers (TTT) book and for a bit of fun I compare the difficulty of the quiz with the strength / weakness of a cuppa depending on how long you let it brew.
I now proudly present you the scale:
1.‘Where was the teabag’ = weak tea, little taste = EASY quiz
2.‘Aaah that hits the spot’ = just right, not to weak and not too strong = MID quiz
3.‘Stewed brew’ = strong, somebody left the teabag in = TOUGH quiz
4.‘OMG, hairs on chest cuppa.’ = so strong that you feel the hairs on your chest grow (women included) = MISSION IMPOSSIBLE quiz
Most of the quizzes are MID or TOUGH with some EASY & MISSION IMPOSSIBLE sprinkled for good measure.
How do you like your Teatime Titbit Teasers? Taste the TTT and be trained, taxed, and maybe even a little teased. Out tomorrow! Why not taste the “sample” TTT over at the free PDF section?
god forbid (Gott bewahre), cuppa (Tasse Tee), to boot (the body) (hier: hochfahren), “Let’s put the kettle on” (das Teewasser aufsetzen), chinwag (a chat), “let’s face it” (Machen wir uns nichts vor), to be out of place (unangebracht sein), rude (unhöflich), chances are (aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach), to be addicted (süchtig sein), preference (Vorliebe), go to great lengths (sich sehr bemühen), to compare (vergleichen), to brew (tea)(brühen), OMG (Oh My God), to sprinkle (etw einstreuen), for good measure (noch dazu)
Great idea! I like your quiz classifications according to the strength levels of a cuppa tea. An advertising agency couldn’t have done it better. Looking forward to your TTT release.
Thanx 4 the kind words. If learning is fun, I’m sure it is far more effective.