Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Book tip – Talk like TED: The 9 public speaking secrets of the world’s top minds by Carmine Gallo.
They say that the TED concept has already or certainly will revolutionise the way we give (business) presentations.
As a former CNN & CBS correspondent and seasoned keynote speaker Gallo wrote the book looking at what makes a successful TED presentation with all the techniques, from concept right through to execution.
A must read for all those (would-be) presenters, who want to wow, win over and inspire the audience into following your call to action. Find out more about Carmine Gallo at
If you wanna buy the book, why not follow this affiliate link and support Teatime Titbits mission at the same time – NO extra cost to you?
German version: Talk like TED: Die 9 Geheimnisse der besten Redner.
Like me you could also listen to the book via You can sign up for the 30 day free trial offer (after 9,95/month) using my personalised affiliate link – thank you:
seasoned (erfahren) , execution (durchführen), would-be (angehend), to wow (jdn begeistern), to win over (ein Publikum für sich gewinnen), call to action (Aufruf zum Handeln).