The language of ranting.
Inspired by Jürgen Klopp’s ranting and raving on the touchline during the Liverpool vs. Naples tie yesterday and getting a yellow card for his efforts, today I decided to cover the topic ……. RANTING !!!!
Everyone loves a good old rant (= when you speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way) every now and again to vent or in other words let off steam and get something off one’s chest.
As you can see below, it’s a very simple construction but do you know all the possibilities, when it comes to ‘choosing’ your words correctly:
“What really (anger / annoys / gets / bugs / riles / pisses me off) is (that) …….”
You can get away with the first 3 in a professional situation whereas bugs etc are better placed down the pub.
This construction can also be used in other situations e.g. to express surprise/disbelief:
“What really (surprises / amazes / confuses / astounds me) is (that) …….”
Another great phrase is “It beggars belief” and when I think of the word ‘beg’, you can also disagree with someone by using “I beg to differ” or what about “It begs the question” for your meetings.
Anyway, here’s a RANT I prepared earlier:
“What really pisses me off is this damn incessant rain” See, I already feel much better!!
Happy ranting.
‘to rant’ (Tirade loslassen), to rant and rave (toben und rasen), touchline (Seitenlinie), tie (hier: (Fussball) Spiel), to let one’s hair down (sich gehen lassen), to vent (etw rauslassen), to let off steam (Luft ablassen), to get something off one’s chest (sich etw von der Seele reden), to get away with sth (mit etw davon kommen), disbelief (Fassungslosigkeit), “It beggars belief” (es ist unfassbar), to disagree with sb (mit jdm nicht übereinstimmen), “I beg to differ” (“Ich bin anderer Ansicht”), “It begs the question” (Damit stellt sich die Frage), damn (verdammt), incessant rain (Dauerregen).
Oh yeah, my topic, exactly what I need today! I‘ve already raided my F-word account until the end of 2022. I received a very nice letter yesterday in which my company informed me about some interesting… facts…….
Nevertheless, Klopp is and will ever be the grandmaster of ranting – and the king of leaping for joy. 🙂
Sorry to hear about the letter! As for, King Klopp – sounds great doesn’t it.
Forget about yoga, meditation etc. The best method to reach a higher state of stress relaxation is an extensive rant – in every situation. We all know how good it feels afterwards (apart from potential consequences 😉 ).
Especially for ranting at work I can recommend Business Spotlight‘s „WÖRTERBUCH BUSINESS-ENGLISCH
Bullshit – Schimpfen im Beruf
(without losing your job)“ – hilarious!
Oh I love a good rant with lots of naughty words, it really helps to get things off one’s chest. Cheers for the tip, I surely could do with some handy German phrases- some of my dear colleagues REALLY make me want to RAAAAAAAAANT.
Ehm, when it comes to swearing and ranting I guess you‘re already pretty well equipped with your English vocab. As you know English is a lingua franca and as that not limited to science, business and other international relations – one’s emotional outbursts are also understood around the world. Moreover, we all have already absorbed the four- (and more) letter-words into our daily language use. (Almost) Nobody winces if someone says „f**k!“ or „sh**!“. Actually, your beloved naughty words aren‘t that naughty anymore as long as no kids are around.
But if you really want to impress or better flabbergast the guys in your office, adapt and use every now and then some local expressions! I can‘t give you any advice for Münster, but for instance with a „Kruzifix“ or „Herrgottsakra“ in Bavaria, a „Dreggseggle“ in Swabia, a „Simbel“ here in Heidelberg (Kurpfalz) or a „Stinkbüdel“ in Hamburg you‘ll definitely make an impact!
Cool made a note of them, thanx a million. Happy New Year, Jenny and all the best. Take care. Dave.