This is the News with Teatime Titbits.

Tuesday Teaser. This is the news from Teatime Titbits. Get the brain going this morning with a little teaser. Match the following ‘news’ words with the correct gap. Beware of the grammar and 1 word is needed twice – but which one?

to accuse of sth, clashes, survivors , summit, to announce sth, elections, downturn, ceasefire, tariffs, to negotiate,

1) The German Minister of Defence ……………………………… her resignation after she was ……………………………… of hiring expensive external consultants.

2) Despite the ………………………………, there have been fresh ……………………………… between Palestinians and Israeli troops.

3) At the North Korea/Trump ……………………………… in London they will ……………………………… the easing of sanctions on NK.

4) An explosion in Downtown NY killed 12 people and injured scores. ……………………………… talk about smelling gas just prior to the explosion in a shopping mall.

5) In the ……………………………… in France, the far-right picked up a lot of votes as a result of the ……………………………… in the French economy.

6) Trump has ……………………………… he will increase ……………………………… on Chinese goods.

1)………… 2) ………… 3) ………… 4) ………… 5) …………. 6) ………… 7) ………… 8) ………… 9) ………… 10) ……………. 11) …………….


1) announced 2) accused 3) ceasefire 4) clashes 5) summit 6) negotiate 7) survivors 8) elections 9) downturn 10) announced 11) tariffs


to accuse of sth (jdn beschuldigen), clashes (Zusammenstöße), survivors (überlebene), summit (Gipfel), to announce sth (etw bekanntgeben), elections (Wahlen), downturn (Abschwung), ceasefire (Waffenrühe), tariffs (Zölle), to negotiate (verhandeln),

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