Trade fair trickies 1.

Here are 5 situations you find yourself in during a trade fair. What would you say? There’s not only always one answer. Below I’ll give you some sample answers. Remember, put a smile on your face and off we go with a simple starter:

1. A visitor approaches you at the stand. ____________________________________________________

2. The visitor has an appointment with the sales manager (Mrs Preston). ____________________________________________________

3. Take the visitor to your colleague and hand him/her over. ____________________________________________________

4. A visitor asks to speak to the sales manager – She’s busy with a client. ____________________________________________________

5. The visitor had to wait before s/he could see the sales manager. _____________________________________________________


1. A visitor approaches you at the stand.

Answer: Hi, how can I help you? Or can I help you in any way?

2. The visitor has an appointment with the sales Manager (Mrs Preston)

Depending on how your company deals with appointments, you may first simply want to ask for the name: What was your name again, please? (If there’s a list – are you Mr Preston?) Maybe even ask for the time arranged for the appointment. At 3.30? Then answer: Ok, great, let me just check/see if she is free.

3. Take a visitor to your colleague and hand him/her over

Answer: Ok, she’s free, please follow me. Mrs Smith/Amanda, this is Mr Preston (to see you)

4. A visitor asks to speak to the sales manager – she’s busy with a client.

Answer: Oh I’m afraid, Mrs Smith is busy with a client right now.

Firstly, be her gatekeeper and try to find out what it’s about: (Well, I’m in sales, maybe I could help), may I ask what it’s about?

Secondly, if it is ok for the visitor to speak to Mrs Smith (acording to her schedule) she’s in a meeting for at another 5 to 10 minutes. Would you care to wait or come back then/later?

Option: wait: OK, please take a seat, would you like something to drink? Option: come back: OK, I’ll see you later, then. Thanks.

5. The visitor had to waitbefore s/he could speak to the sales manager.

Thank you so much for waiting, I see Mrs Preston is free now, I’ll take you over to her now.

How did you do?  

If you like the Tuesday Teaser Quizzes, keep your eyes open for the Tuesday Teaser Quiz book 1 coming out at the beginning of September in the Teatime Titbits store

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