Check out today’s teatime titbit: Tuesday Teaser. What are they really saying?
Match up the phrases with their meaning
- “I get the picture.” A. congratulate oneself
- “Let’s meet at 8 p.m.” “fair enough” B. understand a situation
- “I wouldn’t like to brag.” C. not work hard (enough)
- “It occurred to me yesterday.” D. have a friendly relationship with sb
- “He doesn’t really pull his weight.” E. not like sb & be unpleasant to them
- “Give yourself a big pat on the back.” F. boast about sth
- “She has it in for you.” G. the most important details
- “She took a shine to you.” H. an idea/thought came into mind
- “I get along with my boss:” I. like sb
- “Let’s get down to the nitty gritty.” J. an idea/suggestion is reasonable
1) b. 2) j. 3) f. 4) h. 5) c. 6) a. 7) e. 8) i. 9) d. 10) g.