Viagra For Your News Vocab. 1.

Titbitonians, what do you get if you cross a BBC article and the software Snagit? A new way of presenting / talking about new vocabulary. Firstly, here’s the BBC article:

Next, watch this short video:

Violà, there you have it! If you don’t have time to watch the vid or even take a look at the article, here’s your cheat sheet.

10 to help you with ‘Germany‘s state make face masks compulsory’.         

To be compulsory = sth that must be done because of a law or a rule = mandatory

to announce = to tell people sth officially, especially about a decision, plans etc

to back = to support

to set to do sth = likely to do sth, ready for sth or to do sth

to ease (rules) = to become less strict (rules) = alleviate

to issue (guidance) = to make sth known formally

to loosen (restrictions) = to become less strict (rules)

to approve = to officially agree to a plan, request etc

to impose = to introduce a new law, rule, tax etc

to follow suit = to act behave in the way that somebody else has just done.

Happy hump day !!!!!

Hump day (Mittwoch / Mitte der Arbeitswoche)

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