Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: What’s in the news today?
Here is the latest news on the BBC news app / website .
- Far-right candidate wins first round in Brazil.
- Key climate report urges deep rapid change.
- Japan says UK could join trade pact post –Brexit.
- ‘Third of UK girls’ harassed in school uniform.
- Taylor Swift breaks political silence.
- Detained Interpol chief ‘took bribes.’
- Saudi writer ‘murdered’ in consulate.
- Romania marriage referendum fails.
- Limousine crash kills 20 in New York state.
- Sydney Opera House in racing ad furore.
- Serb nationalist triumphs in Bosnia poll.
What can we learn from the above headlines. Let’s start with a few typical Headline English vocab:
Key (hier Haupt), to urge (etw fordern), poll = (Wahl/Meinungsumfrage).
As usual we have a daily dose of crime vocab, ‘to harass sb’ (jdn belästigen) ‘to detain’ (festnehmen), ‘to murder’ (jdn ermorden), ‘(to) bribe’(bestechen) and finally two other titbits to go that you’ll probably know from similar sounding German words – ‘Furore’ (Aufruhr) and ‘to triumph’(siegen)
That was today’s BBC news powered by Teatime Titbits. Have a great start to the week
Thank you. And here’s the latest BBC news:
Climate change economists win Nobel prize
This year’s Nobel prize season definitely showed real good choices.