You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers, you know” is a common suggestion/warning given to someone, who may be considered as gullible by someone else.
As I read the headline in the newspaper yesterday, I couldn’t believe my eyes because I’d never heard of such a thing before. Here’s the headline. ‘Stowaway falls from plane into garden’ It went on to describe how the body landed in a garden, just feet away from man sunbathing.
Unbelievable, eh! I can well imagine you’re probably thinking “Dave, you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers” A morbid story, it sure is but for me it beggars the belief the extreme lengths people are prepared to take in the search for a better life. Here’s the link to article in the beeb:
More unbelievably, it’s not even a one-off!!! Speaking of unbelievable, there is the litany of cock-ups made with regards to the building of the New Berlin airport:
Would you Adam & Eve it? (Cockney Rhyming slang: would you believe it?) To be considered (gelten als), gullible (leichtgläubig), headline (Schlagzeile), stowaway (versteckter Passagier), feet (Fuß), morbid (makaber), it beggars the belief (es ist unbegreiflich), a one-off (einmaliges Ereignis), a litany of (ein langer Katalog), cock-ups (Pfusch), with regards to (mit Bezug auf)