Make 2020 (your) business English year!

In yesterday’s post I spoke about making 2020 my HEALTH year, today I would like challenge you to make 2020 your (business) English year.

Here’s my 6 step (little bit every day) plan.

  1. If you don’t already pay a daily visit to Teatime Titbits (TT), start now so that by January you are on the way to forming the (new) habit. In his book Atomic Habit * (recommended read *affiliate link) James Clear says “Don’t break the chain”. Let’s say you want to read the new TT posts, then make sure you take a look everyday Monday – Friday – the chain. If you have to miss a day and break the chain, no worries but don’t miss two days in a row.
  2. Make a habit of taking notes of vocab/grammar as well as useful titbits in a journal, vocab book or in an app like “Evernote”
  3. Organise daily learning. New vocab immediately becomes new learning material for the next day – 7 items of vocab on index cards / in vocab learning app and repeat as often as possible. Why 7? Somewhere I read that one can effectively learn 7 items of vocab a day. If you (can) manage more, go for it. BTW learning 7 items a day makes 1,855 over the 5 DAY WEEK year!!
  4. Use the new stuff as much as possible to ‘make it stick’, e.g. leave comments below the posts.
  5. Got more time on your hands? Why not check out the Daily Learn section . You could always watch the vid of the week or browse the book club for ideas about new books to read. (And then please support TT by clicking on the affiliate links to buy the book. There is NO extra cost for you!)
  6. Sign up for the fortnightly TT newsletter, become a true Titbitonian & go deeper with Dave.

Naturally these are universal steps you can follow with any English language blog. I’m not sure whether there are any other (business) English language learning blogs, which offer such a variety posts & post as frequently as I do – ‘Don’t break the chain’.

So when to start? Now, even though tomorrow is the last post for 2019. I will refresh the Daily Learn a couple of times over the Christmas break. Promise!!!

To challenge sb (jdn herausfordern), to make a habit of sth (sich etw zur Regel machen), index cards (Karteikarten), ‚go for it‘ (hier: nichts wie ran), fortnight (zweiwöchendlich), post (Beitrag), to refresh (hier:aktualisieren)

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